Make more time for summer fun by getting chores and errands done together. Assign tasks to different family members to ease your burden. R emind everyone that fun only happens when work is complete. Great motivator and it helps you relax, too! Time for Some Summer Fun! President’s Message 3 anuary February 2016 Page 2 Dear Fellow Members, It is my honor and privilege to serve. Time for Some Summer Fun! Crazy COVID-19 Cocktails Classes. All the beautiful weather, flowers and trees in bloom, sprinkler systems running, Memorial Day just a couple of weeks away. FunkTime For Some Fun (12' Brit-Funk 1983). It's time for some fun activities for children this summer Mysuru hosts various summer camps that give kids a welcome break from the routine Mysuru: March 26, 2017, DHNS.

Don’t let your summer days pass you by without fun!

With a little bit of preparation and forethought, you’ll be able to make the most of the summer with your kids.

Avoid the end of summer “Oh, I wish we would have…” and “Gosh, I can’t believe summer flew by so fast!” type of regrets. It’s never a waste of time to plan for summer fun and special memories with your kids.

10 Ways to Make Time for Summer Fun

Although I love having fun with my boys, I am the type that needs plans and a bit of organization to make it happen.

Our family schedule gets crazy in a heartbeat. I’ve learned that if I don’t plan for summer fun, it just doesn’t happen.

Here are my tips to help you make time for summer fun:

1. Planning

Time For Some Summer Fun Backgrounds

My #1 tip for making time for summer fun is to make a game plan. I’ll repeat what I said above: don’t assume your ideas will just happen. When you get sucked up into summer activities, the days start to speed by and your happy ideas vanish into thin air.

Start jotting down ideas for summer fun now. Take out whatever planning system you use (paper or digital).

Look at available time slots and when you can actually do those ideas. Spread those ideas out, too. There’s nothing worse than trying to cram in too many summer fun activities and not enjoying them because everyone is too exhausted.

Time For Some Summer Fun Songs


Rock Your Homeschool’s free homeschool fun calendars can be great places to start for your summer fun ideas.

2. Organization

Take some time to get your summer fun supplies organized. Look at your ideas list and gather them in one place. Your summer fun will be easier to accomplish when you have everything in one area that’s easy to access.

3. Group Chores

Make more time for summer fun by getting chores and errands done together. Assign tasks to different family members to ease your burden.

Remind everyone that fun only happens when work is complete. Great motivator and it helps you relax, too!

4. Learn to Say No

Time for some summer fun facts

I am giving you permission to not do all the things. You do not have to agree to every summer activity, volunteer opportunity, or get-together.

Although all those events seem like fun, too much can be stressful and take away from your summer fun ideas. Choose wisely and know that it’s okay to say no.

5. Make a Summer Bucket List

Take out your summer fun ideas list. Sit down with your kids and make a bucket list of activities that each person wants to do. Make sure to do at least one summer fun activity for each individual. When everyone has been heard and planned for, family members are much more likely to cooperate and anticipate fun.

6. Simplify

Summer is a fantastic time to simplify. Meals do not have to be fancy. When the weather gets warm, it’s a great time to slow down and make it easy.

If you homeschool year-round or have a non-traditional schedule, consider simplifying your lessons. The easier it is for you, the more time you’ll have for summer fun.

7. Decrease Expectations

Let it go, mama! Your home and homeschool do not have to be perfect.

Fun does not have to be “perfect”. Fun is what you make of it. Let go of anything holding you back from fully enjoying your time with your kids.

8. Ask for Help

If you have family in the area, ask for their help. Perhaps they would be willing to watch your little ones so you can get some cleaning done and have time for summer fun? Or maybe friends could watch your littles so you could take your older kids out for an age-appropriate activity?

It’s okay to ask for help🙂

9. Prioritize

Time For Some Summer Fun Activities

Look at your to-do list. Prioritize what must get done. And cross off anything that is not required for survival!

If you have a list of ten items, do they all “have” to get done today?

Maybe you can get by with just your top three or top five? Of course, meals are essential but maybe vacuuming the curtains can wait for a day or two? (And if you vacuum your curtains, you deserve a gold star in my book!)

10. Decrease Negative Self-Talk

This tip can be tricky! How often do you trip yourself up with negative self-talk? With all of those “Oh, I could never do that!” or “I can’t be fun because I have too much to do!”.

Red light. Stop sign. Whatever visual it takes. Just stop yourself right there.

You can be a fun mom. That negative self-talk isn’t doing anyone any good.

Mama, don’t let summer slip away. Enjoy your amazing kids and make the most out of the time you have together. Hopefully, these tips will help you do just that.

What tips would you add to make time for summer fun?

Make sure to hop over to iHomeschool Network and learn about these activities that are never a waste of time! Click here or on the image below:)