The rest of the components in the circuit are standard: a 2k pot, a 100 nF capacitor, a 10 nF capacitor and 22k x 2, 220 ohm x 2, 2.2k, 3.3k resistors and +/- 9 V batteries. You can find these at a local Radioshack. Hence, the total cost of the circuit is around $10! Working with Chaos: Building the circuit Return to Table of Contents. A numerically generated phase-portrait of the non-linear system Zoomed in near (0,0) Zoomed in near (2,1) The critical point at (2,1) certainly looks like a spiral source, but (0,0) just looks bizarre. This approach of linearizing, analyzing the linearizations, and piecing the results together is a standard approach for non-linear systems.

Math 234 - Applied Mathematics I - Course Outline, Fall, 2014

This is a tentative outline and will be updated at least 24 hours in advance before each class. Lecture notes are posted under the sections.
Exam 1 – Sept 19 Exam 2 – Oct 8 Exam 3 – Oct 31 Exam 4 – Nov 21




Aug 27

Matrix algebra/(8.1)

Lecture Notes

Homework 1:

Page 362: 5, 9, 11, 13, 17, 21,

23, 29, 37, 38

Turn in the following on

Friday, Aug 29 -

Page 362: 12, 18, 22(c)

Aug 29

Systems of Linear Equations/(8.2)

Lecture Notes

Homework 2:

Page 375: 3, 5, 9, 11, 15, 21

Turn in the following on

Tuesday, Sept 2 -

Page 375:

Use Gaussian Elimination and

Backward Substitution to solve the

systems.Specify each elementary

row operation and verify each


6,12 (general solutions), 14

Sept 1

Systems of linear equations/(8.2)

Sept 2

Systems of linear equations/(8.2)

Homework 3:

Sept 3

Rank of a Matrix/(8.3)

Lecture Notes

Sept 5

Rank of a Matrix/(8.3)

Sept 8

Determinants and Properties/(8.4),(8.5)

Lecture Notes

Sept 9

Inverse of a Matrix/(8.6)

Lecture Notes

Sept 10

Inverse of a Matrix/(8.6)

Sept 12

Cramer's Rule/(8.7)

Lecture Notes

Sept 15

Eigenvalue Problem/(8.8)

Lecture Notes

Sept 16

Eigenvalue Problem/(8.8)

(b) applications

Sept 17

Review for Hour Exam #1: Section (8.1)-(8.8)

Sept 19

Sept 22

Applications and Uses of Technology

Lecture Notes (pdf)
Traffic Flows (pdf)
Lecture Notes (tex)

Sept 23

Definitions and terminology/(1.1)-(1.2)

Sept 24

Solution curves without the solution/(2.1)

Lecture Notes on Solution Curves

Sept 26

Separable variables/(2.2)

Lecture Notes on Separable Equations

Sept 29

Linear differential equations/(2.3)

Lecture Notes on 1st-Order Linear Diff. Equations

Sept 30

Exact Equations/(2.4)

Lecture Notes on exact Linear Diff. Equations

Oct 1

Exact Equations/(2.4)

Oct 3

Solutions by substitutions/(2.5)

Lecture Notes on Substitution

Oct 6

Solutions by substitutions/(2.5)

Oct 7

Review for Hour Exam #2:
Section (1.1)-(1.2),(2.1)-(2.5)

Oct 8

Hour Exam #2:
Section (1.1)-(1.2),(2.1)-(2.5)

Oct 10

No Class (Open House for Parents)

Oct 13

Higher-order differential equations/(3.1)

Oct 14

Reduction of order/(3.2)

Oct 15

Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients/(3.3)

Oct 17

Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients/(3.3)

Oct 20

Nonhomogeneous linear equations/(3.4)

Oct 21

Nonhomogeneous linear equations/(3.5)

Oct 22

Leadership Day (no class)

Oct 24

Cauchy-Euler equations/(3.6)

Oct 27

Systems of linear differential equations and
Homogeneous Linear Systems/(10.1)(10.2)

Oct 28

Homogeneous Linear Systems/(10.2)

Oct 29

Review for Hour Exam #3
Section (3.1)-(3.6), (10.1)-(10.2)

Oct 31

Nov 3

Nonhomogeneous linear systems/(10.4)

Nov 4

Election Day (no class)

Nov 5

Laplace transform/(4.1)

Nov 7

Inverse of a Laplace transform/(4.2)

Nov 10

Laplace transform of a derivative/(4.2)

Nov 11

Translation Theorems/(4.3)

Nov 12

Translation Theorems/(4.3)

Nov 14

Translation Theorems/(4.3)

Nov 17

Properties of Laplace Transforms/(4.4)

Nov 18

Properties of Laplace Transforms/(4.4)

(b) solving differential-integral equations

Nov 19

Review for Hour Exam #4:
Section (10.1)-(10.4),(4.1)-(4.4)

Nov 21

Hour Exam #4:
Section (10.1)-(10.4),(4.1)-(4.4)

Thanksgiving break!

Dec 1

Properties of Laplace Transforms/(4.4)

Dec 2

Dirac Delta Functions/(4.5)

Dec 3

Solving differential equations using Laplace Transform/(4.6)
Lecture Notes

Dec 5

Solving differential equations using Laplace Transform/(4.6)

Dec 8

Solving differential equations using Laplace Transform/(4.6)

Dec 9

Review for final

Dec 10

Review for final

Dec 17

(Wednesday) Final Exam - 1:00pm - 4:00pm


Represent data using multiple representations, recognize and use linear and non linear (inverse variation) models, use residual analysis, use scatter plots, two way tables, correlation coefficients, and standard deviation

2.2 linear and nonlinear relationsmr. mac

Overview of Changes

Significant changes The CCSS standards for statistics are addressed in this unit.

Description of Changes

Nonlinear2.2 linear and nonlinear relationsmr. macPage

The first three investigations of this unit have changed very little from the preceding edition. A few changes involve problem context and giving more attention to residual analysis as a technique for measuring the goodness-of-fit of a function model to given data. There is some additional coverage of slope, connecting with ideas from seventh grade units. The fourth and fifth investigations present new material that addresses the Common Core State Standards requirements regarding correlation and 2-way table analysis

Investigation 4 (NEW) - Variability and Association in Numeric Data

The problems of this investigation review and enhance student understanding and skill in data analysis by focusing on two key statistical concepts—correlation and standard deviation. Students explore positive and negative correlations shown in scatter plots of bivariate data, use of the correlation coefficient as a measure of linearity for scatter plots, and the standard deviation as a measure of spread in single variable distributions.

Investigation 5 (NEW) - Variability and Association in Categorical Data

The problems in this investigation review and enhance student understanding and skill in data analysis by focusing on use of 2-way tables to test the strength of association between categorical variables.

2.2 Linear And Nonlinear Relationsmr. Mac's Page Key

New InvestigationChanges in CMP2 Investigation
Investigation 1 Exploring Data PatternsInvestigation 1 similar to Investigation 1 in CMP2
Investigation 2 Linear Models and EquationsInvestigation 1 similar to Investigation 1 in CMP2
Investigation 3 Inverse VariationInvestigation 1 similar to Investigation 1 in CMP2
Investigation 4 Variability and Associations in Numerical DataInvestigation 4 is new. See description above.
Investigation 5 Variability and Associations in Categorical DataInvestigation 5 is new. See description above.