A frequently asked question is “How do I attract more visitors to my website?” This is typically asked when a client is frustrated at the lack of business that their website has brought them.

Use social media to promote your website and attract visitors. Post interesting and engaging content on social media with a link to your website, to encourage people to head to your site. Ensure Your Site is Search Engine Optimized. This is a case study on how I built a website that receives over 100,000 visitors per month, in less than 1 year, without spending $1 on advertising. This was done 100% through SEO and content strategy. Before we dive in, allow me to clarify a few things: The website reached over 100,000 visitors in.

Often times, there isn’t anything wrong with the website itself, however, it just sits on the internet ignored. While doable, taking your websites from zero to a few hundred or thousand visits a month takes hard work and dedication. But before doing so you must recognize the harsh truth about the Internet- The online world is all about attention. However, if you want people to pay attention to you, you must first earn it.

Most times people assume their work will speak for itself, but that’s not always the case. You must accept that marketing will always be a part of your job. While attracting visitors can be hard work, it can also be fun when you apply creativity, which can also make your marketing more effective. The following is a list of ways you can attract customers with creativity:

Start an amazing blog- Notice the keyword “amazing”. Your blog shouldn’t be something you update from time to time, such as when you gain a new clients or try to sell something new. Your blog should include information that grabs your target audience’s attention with valuable, useful or entertain material.

Offer free material- If no one’s ever heard of you, chances are they aren’t going to pay for your work without reference. So if you have things that you can offer such as a free e-book, a bestselling track, a design template or videos that anyone can imbed it their own site. Be sure this information or material you giving away is valuable, because if not who’s going to boast about it? You want people to talk about your products or services to take things further.

Barrow an audience. Why build an audience from scratch when you can borrow someone else’s to help spread the word. No, this isn’t unethical, in fact people usually appreciated that you admire them that much to ask.

You could write high-quality guest posts on popular blogs about your niche is a very effective way to get to people who’d like to reach out to. Your payment back from the company would be a link back to your site.

Get your content everywhere. If you’re determined to get more visitors, you have to go out and find them. Social networks aren’t just for networking, they’re also an ideal place to post your content for all to see. You can use Facebook, Google+ and Twitter to post links to your content, such as blog posts, videos, free reports and so on.

Also, be sure to be generous and share other people’s content than your own. Not only will this help others, but it will also put you in the position as a neat source of cool things that people will wants to follow.

Keep in mind that none of these methods are a quick fix. They all require time, dedication and consistency. Good news is that these are all ways that will benefit your business. All of the efforts mentioned above will help you become known and attract new visitors every time your work on your marketing.

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In any area, having a well-defined marketing strategy is crucial for your business to grow and gain traction as widely as possible. If you need to attract more customers, the first thing you need to do, obviously, is reaching them. Thus, using online marketing to your advantage is key.

Strategic planning must be constantly and closely tracked, to make sure the expected outcome is positive, and mainly, to ensure that the necessary adjustments are made, since different businesses require different approaches.

Most entrepreneurs know it’s essential to have a thorough plan of actions to promote a business. However, a lot of them have questions when the time comes to decide on the best strategies.

Considering there is not one ideal marketing strategy for each business, the success of any strategy depends on how it’s implemented and carried out, the target audience, and, of course, the type of business.

To better understand which strategies can be applied to your business, check out 15 ways that will help you attract more clients:

Why should I promote my business?

In any area of business, you need to have a well-structured marketing plan so that your business grows and is advertised in various forms, regardless of whether it’s online or not.

Even brick and mortar stores and private teachers need to promote their businesses. This allows more people to get to know the brand and therefore, have the potential to attract more customers.

The more people hear about your products or services, the higher the odds your profit will increase.

Remember there are a lot of competitors, and potential customers look for solutions that can be easily found.

On top of that, considering the digital market is in constant expansion, it’s not enough to just have a good product or service and let your work speak for itself.

You need to really show people what you have to offer and more than that, to make them realize they have an actual need for your product.

What is Marketing Strategy?

Before we talk about the basics to help you attract more customers, we need to explain what a marketing strategy is.

This term is widely used, especially in the digital market, but it doesn’t mean that it’s so widely disseminated that everyone really understands it as a whole. (There are several other terms in the online world that you can understand their meaning better with this digital entrepreneur’s glossary).

Basically, marketing strategy is nothing more than planning all actions to promote your brand, product or service in advance and monitor the results of such actions to understand what should be maintained and what can be improved.

In addition, having a marketing strategy also means getting your product/service advertised to a potential customer in the best possible way. That means not trying to sell all the time and telling people what they should and shouldn’t do, but rather deliver value to people with what you provide and recommend solutions.


Of course, all product advertising also involves campaigns and releases (we’ll talk about them further on), but marketing strategy is not only about that.

It’s a set of elements that can take people on a journey from knowing your product to the final purchase.

That’s why you need to understand and plan the various forms to advertise your brand to attract audiences from various communication channels.

Why is it important to have a marketing strategy?

Clearly, the best marketing for a product is one that will sell what you offer to your audience.

However, you need to have a well-structured marketing strategy before you start your promotional actions because, more than selling, it’s very important to deliver something of value to people.

You need to show relevant solutions, that’s the best way to attract customers.

Even if you are selling something online, the sales process is still personal and requires that you focus on the consumer.

You need to start a business with a purpose and helping consumers solve an issue is a great goal.

If you think of strategies that can somehow show how much your product or service can change people’s lives, you can attract your customers organically, which also helps increase your profits, since you won’t have to make a big investment.

The most important thing in planning your marketing actions is that you can think of low-cost and high-impact strategies that are creative and really focused on your business’ persona.

After all, the more specific your actions are to your niche, the greater your chances of attracting customers.

How to attract customers with a marketing strategy

Now that you understand what marketing strategy is, and know how important it is for your business, it’s time to think about what strategies to tackle.

Of course, every business has a different audience it wants to reach. Therefore, that doesn’t mean that all actions will be right for you. The important thing here is to realize the number of elements you can use to increase your promotion and use those that are the most adequate for your persona.

In addition, you should also know that you don’t have to choose just one marketing strategy for your business. With planning, you can put into motion a few strategies and, over time, you will realize what works and can undo or adjust what is not relevant for your business.

1. Blog

A blog is one of the best-known strategies and is used by those who want to attract customers in an organic manner online and to deliver educational and quality content.

Because, when you have a blog you can write posts that answer different questions (from the most basic to the most technical) and that show specific solutions for your audience.

Do you still have questions about how to get started with this marketing strategy? Read our post with the complete step-by-step process to create your blog.

2. SEO

There’s no point in having a blog with lots of interesting content for your audience if your posts can’t reach them.

This is why you need to apply SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques in your posts, so that your page appears in the top places of search engines such as Google.

Work your keywords well in your texts, test titles that catch the attention of users, write full content and really educate your audience.

The important thing is to optimize all your posts so that people can reach your content whenever they search for a term related to your niche.

3. Email marketing

Many people still have the idea that email is no longer a good marketing strategy; after all, many users don’t even bother to read any messages forwarded to them.

But that’s not what happens, especially if your emails have interesting content for people, not just advertising for your products or services.

Create a newsletter, for example, and send important information via email to encourage people to share their email address with you.

Another option is sending valuable free resources, such as ebooks.

This is a way of maintaining communication with your potential customers via email and also to keep them engaged with your brand.

Still don’t know how to start using this strategy? Check out our post with tips on how to create effective email streams for your company.

4. Social media

Social media, in general, is a great channel to communicate with the public, mainly because pretty much everyone is on it.

As a marketing strategy, what you need to do is understand where your persona is: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Snapchat?

You’re likely to have to carry out marketing actions on more than one social network, but be careful not to push yourself too hard in places where your audience is not. That may actually be a waste of your time.

3 ways to attract visitors to your website for free robux

And remember: your social networks also need to provide content that adds value to users. So don’t merely advertise your brand all the time.

5. Video Channel

Did you know that over 40% of people say they prefer to consume content in video format?

That’s why platforms such as YouTube have grown so much in recent years and are being used by many industries, whether they’re online or not.

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The truth is that when you create videos, you can transmit valuable information to your audience and they can easily access it.

So why not use videos to advertise your products and services and attract more potential clients?

Besides YouTube, there are other forms of monetizing with videos, and you can understand this better by reading this text about making money from videos online – in addition to YouTube.

6. Sponsored links

Sponsored links are ads linked on other pages, usually one that is related to your business, for which you pay to be promoted.

The purpose of these links is that other people searching for topics similar to yours but still don’t know your product or service, can find you on other blogs, social networks and websites in general that they follow.

A marketing strategy that has pleased users immensely is native ads. This is because this form of paid advertising doesn’t disrupt users’ browsing experience on the pages they’re on.

7. Out of Home (OOH) Digital Media

When we think about New York, besides the famous Statue of Liberty, it’s quite likely that the first image that comes to mind is Times Square.

This is a destination that most tourists look forward to seeing when visiting the US, mainly because it’s adorned with several billboards and advertisements and it’s known as “The Crossroads of the World”. Those billboards advertise everything you can think of, which means it’s a great opportunity to promote businesses.

Recently, it has become common to find LED panels or screens on elevators and buses, for example, with various advertisements.

If your goal is to promote your business in your geographic region, this is another way to promote your brand further.

But again, you need to always think where your audience is and if that strategy is even interesting for your business.

8. Radio, TV, magazines, and newspapers

Just like OOH digital media, advertising in mass media and print media depends a lot on your type of business and the communication channels your audience uses most.

In addition, you also need to plan on the expenses you will have; after all, this type of marketing strategy usually requires a larger investment.

9. Events

Regardless of whether your business is physical or online, creating events to interact with your market is also a great way to advertise your brand.

These events can be small for a company with which you want to create a partnership, or even larger, open events for the public, in order to attract new customers and educate your audience in person.

Even for those working online, everything involving people requires empathy.

So it’s interesting that you create events so that people get to know and even get to see you.

This will make them realize possibilities that, if only shown online, could go unnoticed.

If you can’t create your own events, try to at least participate in the main ones in your area.

That way, you can work on your networking skills and meet not only potential online customers, but also possible business partners (which is our next topic).

10. Partnerships

Starting partnerships, especially in the digital market, is an efficient way to increase your business’ reach. However, finding good partners who are aligned with your work model is not always an easy task.

There are several types of partnerships you can pursue, for example:

  • Exchanging guest posts with other blogs;
  • Collaboration on a YouTube channel (when one YouTuber records with another on both channels);
  • Co-production of ebooks or newsletters;
  • Promotion in the social network of a digital influencer.

The important thing about this type of marketing strategy is that you can identify partners that can help you attract more customers and for whom you can do the same. Thus, there will be an increase in both audiences.

11. Contests

Create contests or giveaways that encourage users to buy more or bring new customers to your page.

I’m sure you’ve seen Instagram profiles creating sweepstakes of gifts and the regulation is that you comment with the ‘@’ of other people who still don’t know the brand?

This is a marketing strategy that certain profiles use to become better known as well as gain more followers.

Another type of promotion you can do is an up-sell, down-sell, or cross-sell as soon as a person finishes buying some of your products. With this, users may be interested in making another purchase on your website.

12. Webinar

Webinars are a great way to build relationships and get ahead of possible objections your customers may have. In fact, if done successfully, it can attract high-quality leads.

If you’re just getting started on this subject, a good tip is to focus on a broader theme. It’s more difficult to attract an audience and keep them engaged if you are talking about something very specific.

Another important tip is: make a thorough plan for your webinar. This is not the time to be spontaneous, and they say, first impressions last. Writing a script is one way of avoiding a negative outcome.

13. Big Data

Using Big Data as a marketing strategy can be useful to not only attract new customers but to build customer loyalty. It allows you to analyze and monitor social media to understand what people are saying about your brand.

Thus, you can find out if the comments are mostly positive or negative, for example, and make the necessary adjustments if need be.

Also, you can monitor trends, behavioral patterns, and more. A good example of making the most of this kind of information is adding a product your audience is asking for, or even changing an existing product to make it appeal more to your customers.

If you’d like to learn more about Big Data, check out this post.

14. Podcasting

Creating visual content for a business is not the only option with great potential. Statistics show that Podcasts have attracted more customers around the world.

One of the reasons for the growth of podcasting is pretty simple: people consume content in different ways and audio content allows them to carry out other activities while listening to podcasts.


Once again, it’s important to understand if this type of content is appreciated by your target audience before really investing in this strategy. If you’re just getting started, take a look at these tips.

15. Use content to attract backlinks

Creating quality content in various formats is a great way to attract links. However, bear in mind that it needs to be truly unique, valuable content.

What kind of content should you focus on? That really comes down to what would be useful for your target audience. You have plenty of options, videos, guides, infographics, spreadsheets, etc. You can even take advantage of free tools to help you out.

3 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website For Freelancers

Getting links to your content will not only bring referral traffic, it can actually help improve your ranking on search engines. Organic traffic is fundamental to attract potential customers, especially when you think long term.

How to choose the right marketing strategy

Now that you’ve seen the 15 ways to attract more customers, it’s important to know what you need to do to precisely choose the best marketing strategy for your business.

After all, it doesn’t mean that just by applying any of these tips your audience numbers will automatically increase.

So, before you create actions on all communication channels, consider the following:

  1. The buyer persona for your product or service;
  2. Your market niche;
  3. Trends in your area of expertise;
  4. What your competitors have been doing;
  5. The results you expect;
  6. The conversion rate of each communication channel you are using;
  7. The maximum investment you are willing to make.
  8. The metrics and results of each strategy.

With this insightful information, you’ll be able to realize which strategies are working for your business and you can focus more on those that really provide returns.

Remember, it’s very important to measure everything you do to make sure that your work is not in vain and that you are making a profit.

3 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website For Free Robux

So, do you already know which marketing strategy is best for you? To help you further, also read our post on how to perfectly launch a product.

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This article was originally posted in October 2017 and has been updated in order to convey more thorough, precise information.